Metro Retro

Metro Retro is a free web app that helps teams run productive, engaging and fun retrospectives. It uses real-time updates, adaptable templates and a quirky sense of humor to riff on the classic paper based retrospective but taking advantage of modern tech!Metro Retro is a digital whiteboard optimized for software Leggi tutto…

What Is a Story Point? …. Baseline Your Estimates Using Reference User Stories By using reference user stories, teams can calibrate their story point estimates to real work they’ve completed in the past and confidently arrive at accurate-enough estimates more quickly. To do so, try the following: Pick 10 good user stories your team has completed Leggi tutto…

Extreme Programming (XP) vs Scrum …Scrum and XP are both Agile approaches that share the common concepts of iterative development, working software, release and iteration planning, daily meetings, retrospective, all elements of an Agile process. Both approach are aligned each other that sometimes is difficult to distinguish between a team who is adopting XP while Leggi tutto…