– The Enterprise Browser THE ENTERPRISE BROWSER Work, as it should be. Control how the browser behaves. See everything happening inside the browser. And deliver the ideal work experience to users while keeping work itself fundamentally secure. Welcome to the Enterprise Browser.
Cos’è UTXO
The term UTXO refers to the amount of digital currency someone has left remaining after executing a cryptocurrency transaction… ref
KeystoneJS CMS The superpowered CMS for developers Keystone helps you build faster and scale further than any other CMS or App Framework. Just describe your schema, and get a powerful GraphQL API & beautiful Management UI for content and data. No boilerplate Leggi tutto…
Amplication: open‑source development tool Amplication is an open‑source development tool. It helps professional Node.js developers develop quality Node.js applications without spending time on repetitive coding tasks. Amplication auto-generates backend apps built with TypeScript and Node.js, and a client built with React.
Danfojs: powerful javascript data analysis toolkit Danfo.js is a javascript package that provides fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data both easy and intuitive. It is heavily inspired by Pandas library, and provides a similar API. This means that users Leggi tutto…
Open source API development ecosystem. An alternative to Postman