Widestage BI
Lightweight Business Intelligence tool for reporting mongodb, postgresql, Mysql, & MS sql data https://github.com/widestage/widestage
Lightweight Business Intelligence tool for reporting mongodb, postgresql, Mysql, & MS sql data https://github.com/widestage/widestage
Free IP address tools allow you to ping an IP address, traceroute an IP address, convert IP address into decimal value or CIDR format, and so on for both IPv4 and IPv6 format. https://www.ipaddressguide.com
Open Source Analytical API Platform Cube.js is great for building internal business intelligence tools or adding customer‑facing analytics to existing applications https://cube.dev
What, Why, and How? https://levelup.gitconnected.com/micro-frontend-curry-506b98a4cfc0 Awesome Micro Frontends: https://github.com/ChristianUlbrich/awesome-microfrontends
TailorX is a layout service that uses streams to compose a web page from fragment services. https://github.com/StyleT/tailorx
https://medium.com/@ddelfio/stenciljs-just-another-step-to-conquer-the-web-c03a885d8633 Stencil.JS è un compilatore per creare web-component ed in particolare custom element.