Mixins and Javascript: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
With Countable.js you can count in real time what your user enters into a text field. No matter if it is about counting characters, words or paragraphs. Good news first: There is a live demo available.But let’s build something on our own with it Download the library from https://github.com/RadLikeWhoa/Countable/archive/master.zip Or install it via npm:npm Leggi tutto…
Especially when building more complex UI’s, it is helpful or even necessary to provide the user with keyboard shortcuts. Of course this is also conceivable in video games or something like that. Anyway — here is Mousetrap with just 2.2kB for you Get the code, for example from a CDN: https://craig.global.ssl.fastly.net/js/mousetrap/mousetrap.min.js?a4098Import it Leggi tutto…
Have you ever had the problem that you wanted to check types in JavaScript, but the typeof function of Vanilla JS gave you unreliable results? If you don’t know what I mean, then take a look at this mess typeof(new Date()) // objecttypeof([‘Max’, ‘Carl’, ‘Tom’]) // objecttypeof({ name: ‘Max’, age: Leggi tutto…
Why ml5.js? ml5.js aims to make machine learning approachable for a broad audience of artists, creative coders, and students. The library provides access to machine learning algorithms and models in the browser, building on top of TensorFlow.js with no other external dependencies. https://ml5js.org
Combinations Sum Using JavaScript Interviewing.io: Watch a technical mock interview with a Google engineer Pairwise combinations of an array in Javascript https://medium.com/@0.618/combinations-and-permutations-algorithm-in-javascript-9c3d2a2f9afa Javascript ES6 without push/pop Implement All Permutations of a Set in JavaScript LeetCode Combinations and Permutations Algorithm in JavaScript
https://addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book/ Preface Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are both exciting and a fascinating topic to explore in any programming language. One reason for this is that they help us build upon the combined experience of many developers that came before us and Leggi tutto…
heap. where memory allocation happens call stack: is’t a data structure which records where in the program we are Single thread => one call stack => one thing at a timeNB (12′ 23″) The JS Runtime is single thread but there are WebAPIs which behave like threads and are aware Leggi tutto…